Rafael dos Santos

Rafael dos Santos

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Rafael dos Santos

AzureBrasil Newsletter - 2024-11-11

Azure Updates * Public Preview:  Azure Event Hubs offers new portal capabilities, and 100% Kafka compatibility * Retirement: Azure CDN Standard/Premium from Edgio (formerly Verizon) will be retired * Generally Available: Convert to Azure Premium SSD v2 disks * Public Preview: Azure File Sync support for managed identities * Public Preview: Confidential Containers now...

Rafael dos Santos

AzureBrasil Newsletter - 2024-11-04

Azure Updates * Public Preview: Edit network features for Azure NetApp Files with no downtime * Public Preview: API Management & API Center Synchronization * Generally Available: Live Resize for Azure Premium SSD v2 and Ultra Disks * Generally Available: App Service multi plan subnet join * Retirement: Change Analysis (classic) API in Azure Monitor...

Rafael dos Santos

AzureBrasil Newsletter - 2024-10-28

Azure Updates * Retirement: Update on retirement of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 versions for Azure Services * Generally Available: Azure App Configuration – Premium pricing plan now generally available * Public Preview: Immutable WORM Storage for Backups in Azure Recovery Services Vaults * Public Preview: Azure Functions support for Node.js 22...

Rafael dos Santos

AzureBrasil Newsletter - 2024-10-21

Azure Updates * Generally Available: ED25519 SSH key support for Linux VMs * Generally Available: Azure Cobalt 100 Arm-based Virtual Machines * Public Preview: VM watch for Azure VMs * Generally Available: Reduced Pricing for JBoss EAP on App Service * Generally Available: ExpressRoute Metro * Generally Available: GRS and CRR support for Azure VMs using...

Rafael dos Santos

AzureBrasil Newsletter - 2024-10-14

Azure Updates * Retirement: Older versions of EA Azure Price Sheet – Download by Billing Account API * Generally Available: App Service Environment memory intensive pricing tier * Generally Available: Storage account default egress limit increase to 200 Gbps * Retirement: Announcing upcoming retirement of custom text analytics for health (preview) in Azure AI Language...

Rafael dos Santos

Ajustando URLs de Paginação no Azure API Management

Recentemente, me deparei com um desafio em um projeto que estava desenvolvendo: o JSON de resposta da API trazia os links de paginação, porém esses links apontavam para a URL do host original, e não para o Azure API Management (APIM), que era o gateway correto que deveria ser utilizado...

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