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Rafael dos Santos
Talles Valiatti
Bruno Brito
Ricardo Martins
Wiluey Sousa
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Rafael dos Santos

Resumo Semanal #16

Azure Updates * Public preview: Assess cost optimization opportunities using new workbook template in Azure Advisor * Generally available: Cloud Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) by Palo Alto Networks - an Azure Native ISV Service * Enhanced Security and Compliance add-on for Azure Databricks now Generally Available * Public preview: Route Server hub routing preference * Generally...

Rafael dos Santos

Resumo Semanal #15

Azure Updates * Public Preview: Firmware analysis in Defender for IoT * Public preview: Azure Application Gateway for Containers * The Classic VMs retirement deadline is now September 6, 2023 * Azure SQL—Public preview updates for mid-July 2023 * Speech-to-text REST API v3.0 will be retired by 31 March 2026. * Azure DevOps July...

Rafael dos Santos

Resumo Semanal #14

Azure Updates * Public preview: Stream Analytics No-Code Editor available in Azure Stream Analytics Portal * General availability: Always Serve for Azure Traffic Manager * Hotpatch is now generally available on Windows Server VMs on Azure with the Desktop Experience installation mode * Public Preview: Vector search, a feature of Azure Cognitive Search * New...

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